Training of 2024 Agricultural Economic Survey Field Officer - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Training of 2024 Agricultural Economic Survey Field Officer

Training of 2024 Agricultural Economic Survey Field Officer

May 31, 2024 | BPS Activities

BPS-Statistics Semarang Regency held the Training of 2024 Agricultural Economic Survey (SEP) Field Officer on 27 to 31 May 2024. This training is aimed at equipping field officers with an understanding of concepts, definitions, data collection methodology and several other things which will later be applied in carrying out SEP data collection in field.  

The training was carried out using 2 learning methods, namely online learning via zoom meetings on 27-28 May 2024, then continued with offline learning on 30-31 May 2024 at the Griya Persada Convention Hotel & Resort Bandungan.

There was 24 people participated in this training, consisting of 15 enumerator, 5 supervisor, 1 sit-in participant from the Semarang Regency Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Service, 2 organizing committee, and 1 Regional Instructor.

Regional Instructor Mahmuda Ariyadi, S.Kom.  as Young Expert Statistician for BPS-Statistics Semarang Regency, delivered the training material very clearly and interestingly. All of participants took part in this training enthusiastically and were active in discussions and questions and answers.

The training was closed directly by the Head of Semarang Regency BPS, Dewi Trirahayuni, S.Si, M.Si. In her instructions, Dewi advised all of the field officers to carry out data collection in the field according to the SOP and according to what was taught by the instructor. Field officers must be honest and carry out probing when collecting data on the 2024 SEP, so that they can take a direct picture of farmers' welfare.

Quality SEP data can be used as a reference for stakeholders in planning and formulating policies, both for internal interests and for national development. Apart from that, it is also to find out the welfare of farmers in their respective regions.
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