2023 Agricultural Census Field Officer Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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2023 Agricultural Census Field Officer Training

2023 Agricultural Census Field Officer Training

May 23, 2023 | BPS Activities

BPS Semarang Regency held a 2023 Agricultural Census Officer Training (ST2023) at 2 TCs, namely the Griya Persada Hotel and the Nuwis Hotel located in Bandungan.  ST2023 training is divided into 3 waves.  For Batch I, it starts on 21-23 May 2023. During its implementation in Batch I, the training was guided by 12 regional instructors and attended by 265 officers, consisting of 5 Koseka, 40 PML and 220 PPL.

 At the opening of the first batch of training which was held at Griya Persada TC, Head of BPS Semarang Regency, Ir.  Sri Wiyadi, MM gave directions to the participants and at the same time officially opened the first batch of training activities.

 In this training, officers were given material related to the stages and procedures for good and correct data collection, so that it could become a provision for the implementation of ST2023 data collection.  Thus, it is hoped that complete and accurate agricultural data will be obtained for planning and evaluating development results, especially in the agricultural sector
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