Monitoring Prices of Basic Necessities for the Community of Semarang Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Monitoring Prices of Basic Necessities for the Community of Semarang Regency

Monitoring Prices of Basic Necessities for the Community of Semarang Regency

December 19, 2023 | Other Activities

Tuesday (19/12) The Semarang Regency Regional Government carried out monitoring of prices of basic community needs (kepokmas) in Semarang Regency.  Monitoring community community prices is carried out at Projo Ambarawa Market and Bulog Bawen. This price monitoring aims to ensure the availability of people's basic needs ahead of Christmas 2023 and 2024 at stable prices.

Market operations are led by the Regent of Semarang and attended by the leadership within the Regional Government of Semarang Regency, including the Assistant for Economic and Development Secretary, Head of the Kumperindag Service, Head of the Agricultural Department, Head of the Transportation Service, Inspectorate Inspector, Head of Baperrida, Head of Satpol PP and Damkar, Head of the Department of  Kominfo, Head of BPS Semarang Regency, and Head of Perum Bulog Sub Divre Semarang Region.  Head of BPS-Statistics Semarang Regency, Dewi Trirahayuni, S.Si, M.Si also participated in this activity.

By carrying out this monitoring activity, it is hoped that the community's basic needs will be available ahead of Christmas 2023 and 2024 at stable prices.
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