Assistance in Reviewing Sectoral Statistical Metadata - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Assistance in Reviewing Sectoral Statistical Metadata

Assistance in Reviewing Sectoral Statistical Metadata

March 7, 2023 | Other Activities

In order to collect sectoral statistical activity metadata, BPS Semarang Regency carried out mentoring activities for sectoral statistical metadata reviews on March 6 to 7 2023. This activity was integrated with the Verification and Validation Desk of Sectoral Statistical Data organized by the Semarang Regency Communication and Information Office.

In the event which was attended by the OPD in Semarang Regency, the Semarang Regency BPS team consisting of 10 Expert Statisticians and led by the Head of the Sectoral Statistics Activity Team Lin Purwati, S.ST, M.Agb conducted a review of Activity Metadata, Variables, and Statistical Indicators  Sectoral Year 2022 from each OPD.

With assistance from the BPS team, it is hoped that each OPD will be able to better understand the contents of Activity Metadata, Variables and Sectoral Statistical Indicators and update them annually as an integral part of the process of producing quality sectoral statistical data to strengthen the national statistics system.

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