Technical Guidance on Statistics Recommendations and Metadata - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Technical Guidance on Statistics Recommendations and Metadata

Technical Guidance on Statistics Recommendations and Metadata

November 30, 2023 | Other Activities

Thursday (30/11) Technical Guidance (Bimtek) for Making Statistical and Metadata Recommendations was carried out at the Semarang Regency Regional Secretariat Command Center organized by the Semarang Regency Communication and Information Service.

This technical guidance was attended by representatives of Statistics of Semarang Regency as the supervisor of statistical data, the Department of Communication and Informatics as Data Guardian, the Organization and Governance Section of the Semarang Regency Regional Secretariat as Supporting Data Guardian, and the Regional Development Planning, Research and Innovation Agency of Semarang Regency as the Coordinator of Forum One  Indonesian Data (FSDI) District Level.

The technical guidance material was delivered by Yeni Rosiyanti, S.ST as Statistics of Semarang Regency Junior Statistician, who explained activity metadata, variables and indicators along with reporting procedures.

Through this event, it is hoped that Statistics of Semarang Regency can increase its role as a supervisor of statistical data in order to increase literacy for Data Guardians, Supporting Data Guardians and Semarang Regency FSDI Coordinators.
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