Condision of Labor in Semarang Regency August 2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Condision of Labor in Semarang Regency August 2020

Release Date : December 29, 2020
File Size : 0.96 MB


  • The number of workforce in Semarang Regency in August 2020 was 629,038 people, an increase of 12,593 thousand people compared to August 2019. In line with this, the Labor Force Participation Rate (TPAK) slightly increased to 75.07 percent.
  • The Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in August 2020 was 4.57 percent or as many as 28,716 people, which means an increase of 2.03 percent when compared to August 2019.
  • The population working in August 2020 was 600,322 people. The main job field that experienced the highest decrease in employment compared to August 2019, was the manufacturing sector, which fell by 3.12 percent.
  • When viewed from the education completed, in August 2020 the highest number of unemployed were residents with high school diplomas / equivalent amounting to 10.77 percent followed by junior high school graduates / equivalent at 4.38 percent and elementary school graduates / equivalent at 4.12 percent.
  • As many as 160,651 people in Semarang Regency were affected by Covid-19 (19.17%). They consist of unemployed people due to Covid-19 (11,501 people), not the workforce because of Covid-19 (3,932 people), while unemployed due to Covid-19 (8,833 people), and working residents who experience reduced working hours due to Covid-19 ( 136,385 people).

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