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In March 2024, the number of poor people (people with per capita expenditure per month below the Poverty Line) in Semarang Regency reached 76.87 thousand people (6.96 percent), a decrease of 1.48 thousand people compared to the poor population in March 2023, totaling 78.35 thousand people (7.17 percent).
The percentage of poor people in Semarang Regency in 2024 will be 6.96 percent, and is in 7th place in the Regency/City with the smallest percentage of poor people in Central Java, below Semarang City at 4.03 percent, Salatiga City (4.57 percent), Magelang City (5.94 percent), Jepara Regency (6.09 percent), Pekalongan City (6.71 percent), and Tegal Regency (6.81 percent).
The percentage of poor people in Semarang Regency in 2024, which is 6.96 percent, is still lower than the percentage of poor people in Central Java which is 10.47 percent.
The decrease in the percentage of poverty in Semarang Regency in 2024 was 0.21 percentage points, lower than the decrease in the percentage of poverty in Central Java from March 2023 to March 2024 which was 0.30 percentage points.