Strengthening Sectoral Statistics Development through the Love Statistics Village - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Strengthening Sectoral Statistics Development through the Love Statistics Village

Strengthening Sectoral Statistics Development through the Love Statistics Village

December 23, 2023 | Other Activities

At the end of 2023, BPS Semarang Regency received mock study visits from BPS Jepara Regency (15/12), BPS Kudus Regency (20/12), and BPS Tegal Regency (22/12).
The visit was received directly by the Chief of BPS-Statistics Semarang Regency, Dewi Trirahayuni, S.Si, M.Si. and her staff.

In this event, a presentation was made regarding the governance of the Desa Cinta Statistik (Desa Cantik) in Delik Village, Tuntang District, Semarang Regency.

Delik Village, in 2023, succeeded in becoming the TOP 10 Villages of Love Statistics at the National level, this has become the basis for BPS other districts in Central Java to carry out replica studies to improve the development of Sectoral Statistics in their respective districts.
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