August 2023 Sakernas Field Officer Training - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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August 2023 Sakernas Field Officer Training

August 2023 Sakernas Field Officer Training

August 3, 2023 | BPS Activities

The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) is a survey conducted by the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) specifically designed to collect employment data. Sakernas is held twice a year, namely in February and August.

Starting the August 2023 Sakernas activities, BPS-Statistics of Semarang Regency held training for officers for 2 effective days from 2 to 3 August 2023 at the Nuwis Hotel and Convention Bandungan.

The training was opened by Mrs. Ir. Sri Diastuti, MM as an Associate Expert Statist at BPS-Statistics of Jawa Tengah Province, accompanied by the Head of BPS Semarang Regency, namely Mrs. Dewi Trirahayuni, S.Si, M.Sc.

There were 52 training participants consisting of 36 Field Enumerator Officers (PCL) from statistical partners and 16 Field Examination Officers (PML) from the organic BPS-Statistics of Semarang Regency. Participants were divided into 2 classes with Regional Instructors (Inda) Puja Sulistyawan, SE, M.Sc and Annie Yuliati, S.Si as Junior Expert Statistics for BPS Semarang Regency.

By the implementation of this training, it is expected that all officers can carry out their duties in the field properly and in accordance with procedures, so that quality employment data is produced.
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