Socialization of Regent Decree No. 50/0172/2021 regarding the SDI Forum at the District Level as a follow-up to the realization of One Indonesia Data at the regional level, which was held online by the SDI Secretariat, namely Barenlitbangda on Tuesday, August 24, 2021, which was attended by BPS Semarang Regency as the Advisor for Statistics Data and the Department of Communication and Informatics as the Data Guardian. and Data Producers in Semarang Regency.
On this occasion, Bambang Trianto as KF IPDS BPS Semarang Regency conveyed the importance of sectoral data that meets the SDI Principles, namely meeting data standards, having metadata, meeting interoperability rules and using reference codes.
The SDI Action Plan at the district level so that the data produced by data producers are accurate, up-to-date, integrated and can be shared through a single data portal, submitted by Alexander Gunawan Tribiantoro as Plt. Head of the Ministry of Communication and Information.
It is hoped that from this socialization, each SDI organizer understands their respective duties and functions, and understands the derived rules as operational guidelines for SDI implementation and has planned and measurable work targets so that SDI in Semarang Regency can be realized.
This socialization activity was closed with a discussion between data producers and data guardians and data supervisors, so that data producers increasingly understand the importance of producing quality data.