Dissemination of Results of the 2023 Agricultural Census Phase I Semarang Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Dissemination of Results of the 2023 Agricultural Census Phase I Semarang Regency

Dissemination of Results of the 2023 Agricultural Census Phase I Semarang Regency

December 12, 2023 | BPS Activities

Tuesday (12/12) Statistics Semarang Regency carried out the Dissemination of the Results of the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) Phase I for Semarang Regency at The Wujil Resort and Conventions.  This event was opened by the Regional Secretary of Semarang Regency, Drs.  Djarot Supriyoto, MM., and attended by representatives of several Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in Semarang Regency, sub-district heads, academics, the Agricultural Extension Center (BPP) and journalists.

In his speech, the Regional Secretary of Semarang Regency congratulated the success of Statistics Semarang Regency in achieving the title of Corruption Free Region (WBK) and being in the top 10 in developing the Desa Cinta Statistik (Desa Cantik) at the national level.  He also expressed his appreciation to the Statistics Semarang Regency ST2023 team for their hard work so that the ST2023 data results could be released. Later, this data can be used to determine development policies in the agricultural sector of Semarang Regency.

The event continued with a presentation from the Head of Statistics Semarang Regency, Dewi Trirahayuni.  S.Si, M.Si who presented the results of ST2023 Phase I Semarang Regency. One important indicator of the ST2023 results is the number of Individual Agricultural Enterprises (UTP) of 119,956 units, down 16.91 percent from the ST2013 data of 144,396 units. He also said that later the ST2023 data could be used by stakeholders to formulate policies.

The series of events continued with a presentation on the Utilization of ST2023 Data for One Semarang Regency Agricultural Data delivered by the Head of the Semarang Regency Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Service, Moh.  Edy Sukarno, S.STP, MM.  In his presentation he responded to the ST2023 data results which saw a decrease in the number of UTP.

He asked the sub-district heads throughout Semarang Regency to instruct Village Heads to encourage their citizens to be active in the agricultural sector and that Village Funds could be budgeted for agricultural activities so that food security in Semarang Regency is maintained.

All participants who took part in this activity were very enthusiastic about watching this event until the end, because the Statistics Semarang Regency committee team packaged this event in a very interesting way.

It is hoped that the release of ST2023 Phase I Results data for Semarang Regency will provide benefits in development in the agricultural sector of Semarang Regency.  Data from the 2023 Agricultural Census Results Phase I of Semarang Regency can be accessed via the website jasa.bps.go.id or semarangkab.bps.go.id
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