Ceremony of the 79th Anniversary of Republic Indonesia - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Ceremony of the 79th Anniversary of Republic Indonesia

Ceremony of the 79th Anniversary of Republic Indonesia

August 17, 2024 | Other Activities

Saturday (17/8) all of BPS-Statistics Semarang Regency employees attended a ceremony commemorating the 79th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. This year's commemoration of the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia has the theme "New Indonesian Archipelago, Advanced". The ceremony was led by the Head of BPS-Statistics Semarang Regency, Dewi Trirahayuni, S.Si, M.Si.

In her message, Dewi read out the mandate of Plt. Head of BPS, among other things, mentioned the important role of BPS in supporting the vision of Nusantara Baru. All elements of BPS, starting from field officers who collect data to structural officials at the Center who are responsible for methodology and policy must ensure that the BPS data collected and presented is quality data.

As the supervisor of sectoral statistics, BPS must ensure that sectoral statistics comply with the One Data Principle. Development and evaluation of the implementation of sectoral statistics must continue to be encouraged to create a good statistical ecosystem in Indonesia. Furthermore, BPS also plays a role in providing insight as a basis for forming national policies.

As a data producer, statistical products produced by BPS must meet and serve the needs of data users or client oriented.
In the context of impactful data, BPS data must continue to be present in providing the right direction and guidance on national and regional issues. It is hoped that all BPS employees throughout the archipelago can join hands, match their steps, and continue step forward in producing quality statistics for the progress of the Indonesian nation.

Still in the series of events, Head of BPS-Statistics Semarang Regency awarded the 10 Year Satyalancana Karya Satya award to Lusiana Suryaningsih as the executor and the 30 Year Satyalancana Karya Satya award to Listio Hartono as the Young Statistician.
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