Updating of Sakernas August 2024 Census Block - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Updating of Sakernas August 2024 Census Block

Updating of Sakernas August 2024 Census Block

July 25, 2024 | BPS Activities

The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) is a survey conducted by the BPS-Statistics Indonesia specifically designed to collect employment data. From the results of Sakernas, estimated data on the number of employed people, the number of unemployed and other employment indicators will be obtained. Data collection for Sakernas August 2024 used the Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) mode, namely the FASIH application.

Sakernas August 2024 field activities have begun, by carrying out the Updating of selected Census Blocks from July 25 to August 8 2024. Updating Census Blocks aims to identify families in the selected Census Blocks, followed by converting families into households. From the households living in the Census Block, samples will be selected for the next activity, namely the complete enumeration of Sakernas households in August.

All of filed officers carry out updates according to the allocation of their respective assigned areas using procedures that have been determined and taught during field officer training. In order to maintain the quality of updated data, supervisors also accompany officers in the field, especially at the beginning of the updating period. With quality updating results, a representative sample of households will be obtained, so that accurate and high-quality Sakernas data will be obtained.
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