Training of the Processing Officers of 2024 SLS Enumeration Area (EA) Updating - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Training of the Processing Officers of 2024 SLS Enumeration Area (EA) Updating

Training of the Processing Officers of 2024 SLS Enumeration Area (EA) Updating

June 21, 2024 | BPS Activities

Friday (21/6) BPS-Statistics Semarang Regency held Training of the Processing Officers of 2024 SLS Enumeration Area (EA) Updating. This training is a continuation of a series of 2024 SLS Enumeration Area (EA) Updating activities.

The training, which was attended by 3 organic processing officers from BPS-Statistics Semarang Regency, was opened by the Intermediate Expert Statistician of BPS-Statistics Semarang Regency, Lin Purwati, S.ST, M.Agb. In her instructions, Lin advised officers to process the maps properly and complete them according to schedule.

The processing material was delivered by Regional Instructor Satoto, S.Si as the First Statistician. The material presented included processing the results of updating the SLS master and census block contents, followed by the practice of updating digital maps and their contents using the QGIS application.

After updating by field officers, processing officers will carry out map processing based on the results of the updating. The better the quality of the data produced by field officers, the better the quality of the maps produced.
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