Coaching of 2024 EPSS Target Locus - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Coaching of 2024 EPSS Target Locus

Coaching of 2024 EPSS Target Locus

February 15, 2024 | Other Activities

Thursday (15/2) a Coordination Meeting for Assisting the Target Evaluation Locus for the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS) 2024 was held which was held by the Semarang Regency Regional Development Planning, Research and Innovation Agency as the Semarang Regency SDI secretariat.

Also present at the activity were Bapperida Secretary, Chrisolina Libratini, Head of Planning, Control and Evaluation of Bapperida, Tun Ikhtiarti, and Semarang Regency BPS Intermediate Statistician, Lin Purwati.  The three of them provide motivation to OPD which is the locus of EPSS targets in 2024.

Based on the results of the One Data Indonesia Forum meeting on February 1 2024, two 2024 EPSS target loci have been determined in Semarang Regency, namely the Semarang Regency Tourism Office and the Semarang Regency Archives and Library Service.

The event was filled with presentation of material related to the Evaluation Implementation Process for Implementing Sectoral Statistics by Wiji Nogroho as a member of the Semarang Regency Sectoral Statistics Development Team.

The EPSS self-assessment will be carried out in April 2024. The Internal Assessment Team (TPI) will carry out an independent assessment by filling out the web-based Evaluation Worksheet (LKE) for Carrying out Sectoral Statistics by including various representative supporting evidence.

It is hoped that this training and mentoring process will encourage the preparation of various supporting evidence earlier so that the target maturity level for implementing the Good sectoral statistical classification with a minimum Statistical Development Index value of 2.6 can be achieved.
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