Agricultural Census Data Processor 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Agricultural Census Data Processor 2023

Agricultural Census Data Processor 2023

July 17, 2023 | Other Activities

Hello Data Friends,
Still in the series of 2023 Agricultural Census, ST2023 data processing is currently underway at BPS Semarang Regency. Processing activities begin with receiving documents (Receiving Batching), followed by checking the consistency of entries (Editing Coding) and the process ends with Document Entry into the ST2023 data processing program.
Receiving Batching activities have been carried out since July 5 2023, Editing Coding activities have been carried out since July 11 2023 and Document Entry activities have started since July 17 2023.

All series of ST2023 data processing activities are planned to be completed by the end of September 2023.

Keep spirit of the processing partners, always be healthy, I hope you will be given smooth sailing until the processing is complete.
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