Dissemination ofUnemployment Figures from the 2023 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Dissemination ofUnemployment Figures from the 2023 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas)

Dissemination ofUnemployment Figures from the 2023 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas)

December 1, 2023 | BPS Activities

Friday (1/12) Statistics of Semarang Regency carried out the Dissemination of Unemployment Figures from the 2023 National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) at The Wujil Resort and Conventions.

The event was opened by Chief of Statistics of Semarang Regency, Dewi Trirahayuni, S.Si, M.Si and attended by representatives of several Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) in the Semarang Regency environment.  In her speech, she said that the Open Unemployment Rate (TPT) in Semarang Regency in 2023 was 4.05 percent, lower than in 2022.

The next series of events was presentation of material presented by 2 speakers.  The first material was delivered by the Head of the Semarang Regency Manpower Service, M. Taufiqur Rahman, S.Ag., M.Sc., regarding "The importance of employment data for planning and evaluating the development of the Semarang Regency Government". He also expressed his gratitude to Statistics of Semarang Regency because BPS data can be used in policy making in the employment sector.

The second material was delivered by Annie Yuliati, S.Si as Young Expert Statistics for Statistics of Semarang Regency, who delivered material on "Employment Concepts, definitions, indicators". The presentation was packaged in an interesting way by the two speakers, guided by moderator Saiful Adhi Saputra as Young Expert Statistician for Statistics of Semarang Regency.

Through this activity, it is hoped that a common understanding of employment indicators will be obtained so that development planning and evaluation, especially regarding employment, can be carried out appropriately and efficiently.
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