Consolidation and Evaluation of Semarang Regency GRDP Preparation in 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Consolidation and Evaluation of Semarang Regency GRDP Preparation in 2023

Consolidation and Evaluation of Semarang Regency GRDP Preparation in 2023

November 1, 2023 | Other Activities

Wednesday, November 1 2023, Semarang Regency BPS carried out the Consolidation and Evaluation of Semarang Regency GRDP Preparation activities at The Wujil Resort and Convention with participants from the Semarang Regency OPD and the private sector.

The event began with a welcome speech by the Head of BPS Semarang Regency, Dewi Trirahayuni, S.Si, M.Si, who conveyed a portrait of the economy of Semarang Regency and the urgency of preparing quarterly GRDP in districts/cities. The event continued with remarks and an official opening by the Assistant for Economy and Development of the Regional Secretary of Semarang Regency, Mr. Ir. Wigati Sunu, M.BA.

The next series of events was a discussion session led by moderator Yozi Aulia Rahman, SE, M.Sc with 2 speakers, namely Ir. Wigati Sunu, MBA as Assistant for Economics and Development of the Regional Secretary of Semarang Regency who explained the importance of GRDP for regional planning and Wiwit Santi Wahyuningsih, SST, M.Si as Young Expert Statistician of BPS Semarang Regency who explained the methodology and data requirements in preparing GRDP, especially quarterly GRDP .

With this activity, it is hoped that all related parties, both government and private, can provide supporting data continuously and more quickly. So that the preparation of the Semarang Regency GRDP, especially the Quarterly GRDP which is currently in the study stage, can be realized as expected.
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