Officer Training of Long Form Population Census 2020 (LF SP2020) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Officer Training of Long Form Population Census 2020 (LF SP2020)

Officer Training of Long Form Population Census 2020 (LF SP2020)

May 15, 2022 | BPS Activities

The LFSP2020 Year 2022 Data Collection Officer Training for Semarang Regency has been completed. The activity was carried out in 2 waves in different places. The readiness of officers in carrying out fieldwork and the slogan of BPS Semarang Regency APIK which stands for Amanah, Productive, Innovative and Consistent are summarized in the slogans that were shouted enthusiastically by all training participants.

The first batch of LFSP2020 officer training was held on 7-11 May 2022 at Hotel Griya Persada Bandungan with a total of 126 participants and divided into 6 classes, while the second batch of training was held on 11-15 May 2022 at Harris Hotel Semarang with 119 participants. divided into 5 classes.

In his direction, the Head of BPS Semarang Regency, Ir. Sri Wiyadi, MM, said that the 212 and conveyor belt strategies are one of the strategies for completing field work which are flowed in stages from the field officer level to the validation team level at BPS Kaputen Semarang so as to reduce the burden of piling up work completion at the end of the implementation schedule.

The Implementing Committee for the LFSP2020 Officer Training activity worked in a special way, together with Regional Instructors to innovate to make the training run smoothly and overcome the boredom of the participants by conducting quizzes and ice breaking on the sidelines of the learning process and holding art performance competitions at the closing of the training so that it added to the excitement. as well as fostering the cohesiveness of all participants.

We came not as ex...
We came because we were struggling…
To get an overview of the characteristics of population data in this country.

Let's together make the 2020 Advanced Population Census successful in 2022
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