Field Supervision of the ST2023 Agricultural Economic Survey - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Field Supervision of the ST2023 Agricultural Economic Survey

Field Supervision of the ST2023 Agricultural Economic Survey

June 13, 2024 | BPS Activities

Wednesday (12/6) Head of BPS-statistics Semarang Regency, Dewi Trirahayuni, S.Si, M.Si carried out field supervision of the ST2023 Agricultural Economic Survey (SEP). The ST2023 SEP data collection includes Individual Agricultural Businesses (UTP), Legal Entity Agricultural Company Businesses (UPB), and Other Agricultural Businesses (UTL) which were selected as samples.

Field supervision aims to determine the progress of the ST2023 Agricultural Economic Survey data collection which has been implemented since June 1 2024. Apart from that, it also ensures whether officers carry out data collection according to established procedures, as well as to identify problems found in the field so that solutions can be immediately sought.

Dewi appealed field officers to always follow procedures in carrying out data collection, and commit to completing their duties according to schedule.  If you encounter problems, report them immediately to the supervisor, so that the problem can be resolved.

With good cooperation between data collection officers and supervisors, as well as supervision from the leader, it is hoped that quality data will be obtained that will be useful for development, especially in the agricultural sector.
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