Consolidation and Evaluation of Food Crop Production Based on a Sample Frame 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Consolidation and Evaluation of Food Crop Production Based on a Sample Frame 2023

Consolidation and Evaluation of Food Crop Production Based on a Sample Frame 2023

December 14, 2023 | BPS Activities

Statistics Semarang Regency has just carried out the 2023 Semarang Regency Area Sample Framework (KSA) Consolidation and Evaluation of Food Crop Production activities, taking place at the Griya Persada Convention Hotel and Resort Bandungan.

The aim of holding this event is to coordinate and evaluate food crop data collection activities during 2023. The event, which was attended by participants from Statistics Semarang Regency, Semarang Regency Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Service, District BPP Coordinator and KSA Statistics Partners, was opened by the Chief of Statistics Semarang Regency, Dewi Trirahayuni S.Si., M.Sc. She provided guidance on the importance of food crop data for food security in Semarang Regency.

The event continued with the presentation of material from two young expert statistics sources from Statistics Semarang Regency, Mahmuda Ariyadi, S.Kom and Edi Mujiono, S.Si, M.Si. They delivered material regarding evaluation of food crop and horticulture data collection activities.

The participants were very enthusiastic about taking part in this activity, and were active in question and answer discussions. With this activity, it is hoped that it can improve the quality of food crop data in Semarang Regency.
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