Statistics Semarang Regency Wins 8 Awards at the Jawa Tengah Province Coordination Meeting - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Statistics Semarang Regency Wins 8 Awards at the Jawa Tengah Province Coordination Meeting

Statistics Semarang Regency Wins 8 Awards at the Jawa Tengah Province Coordination Meeting

December 11, 2023 | Other Activities

On 4-7 December 2023, Statistics Jawa Tengah Province held the 2023 Agricultural Census Regional Coordination Meeting (Rakorda ST2023) which took place at the Grand Karlita Hotel, Purwokerto, with participants from all ST2023 implementing teams from 35 districts/cities throughout Jawa Tengah.

In this Rakorda event, Statistics Semarang Regency apart from receiving an award as the Best Working Unit in the Development of Integrity Zones towards Corruption Free Areas (WBK) in 2023 and being included in the 5 Best Desa Cinta Statistik (Desa Cantik) in Jawa Tengah, also won 8 awards in technical field for its performance in 2023.

Chief of Statistics Semarang Regency, Dewi Trirahayuni, S.Si, M.Si really appreciates the hard work of the entire Statistics Semarang Regency team. This achievement must be proud of and it is hoped that it will be a trigger so that all Statistics Semarang Regency employees will be more enthusiastic in welcoming 2024.
Hope and optimism in the coming year, Statistics Semarang Regency will be able to maintain this achievement and be able to become an even better working unit.
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