Data Collection of Seruti 3rd Quarter 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Data Collection of Seruti 3rd Quarter 2023

Data Collection of Seruti 3rd Quarter 2023

September 6, 2023 | BPS Activities

Since 1 September 2023 BPS has again conducted the Quarterly Household Economic Survey (Seruti).  The variables collected in Seruti 2023 include household information;  quantity and value of food, drink and cigarette consumption in the past week;  the value of non-food expenditure for the last month and 3 (three) months;  the value of non-consumption income, receipts, and expenses for the last 3 (three) months;  position of household assets and liabilities;  as well as perceptions of household economic conditions.

Seruti's data collection, which is scheduled to be completed on September 20, 2023 will obtain household economic statistics such as values ​​and patterns of income, consumption expenditure, expenditure other than consumption, investment, and household financial transactions at the provincial level.

The implementation of Seruti 2023 every quarter includes 200 sample households spread across the Semarang Regency area, with 20 field officers consisting of enumerators and supervisors.

In carrying out data collection, field officers are required to follow predetermined data collection procedures. With good cooperation from respondents in providing honest and candid answers, it is hoped that quality household economic statistics will be produced.
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