Visit of Production Statistics Deputy of BPS in BPS-Statistics of Semarang Regency - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Visit of Production Statistics Deputy of BPS in BPS-Statistics of Semarang Regency

Visit of Production Statistics Deputy of BPS in BPS-Statistics of Semarang Regency

August 30, 2023 | Other Activities

Wednesday (30/8) BPS-Statistics of Semarang Regency received a visit from the Deputy for Production Statistics BPS namely Mr. M. Habibullah, S.Si, M.Sc.  accompanied by Mrs. Dwi Retno Wilujeng Wahyu Utami, S.Sc., M.Sc.  as the Director of Statistical Dissemination at BPS in a series of Public Lecture events and the Launching of Pojok Statistik at Diponegoro University, Semarang.

On this occasion, Mr. Habibullah conducted an evaluation of ST2023, especially in terms of data processing and post-field stages in Semarang Regency which has been carried out since mid-July 2023 and is scheduled to be completed in mid-September.

In addition to conducting a post-field evaluation of ST2023, he is also pleased to provide direction and motivation to all Semarang Regency BPS employees in a talk show with all BPS-Statistics of Semarang Regency employees regarding ABK (Workload Analysis) and the direction of changes in the staffing structure within BPS as a whole.
It is hoped that all employees will be able to adapt to all changes and remain enthusiastic in carrying out all tasks.
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