FKP and ST2023 coordination with the Regent of Semarang - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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FKP and ST2023 coordination with the Regent of Semarang

FKP and ST2023 coordination with the Regent of Semarang

April 10, 2023 | BPS Activities

Monday, April 10 2023, Semarang Regency BPS coordinated with Semarang Regent H. Ngesti Nugraha, S.H, M.H.  On this occasion the Head of Semarang Regency BPS, Sri Wiyadi and the Team Leader conveyed the plan for implementing a Public Consultation Forum (FKP) on the results of the 2022 Initial Socio-Economic Registration Data Collection (Regsosek) and Agricultural Census activities (ST2023).

 The FKP will be held on 2-21 May 2023 and the implementation of ST2023 in June-July 2023. In the implementation of FKP and ST2023, BPS needs the support of the local government, especially regarding coordination with all levels of government both at the sub-district and village/kelurahan levels, use of sub-district facilities  or the village/kelurahan as the venue for the FKP and the assignment of the Village Head/Lurah to be the FKP facilitator in their respective areas.

 The Regent of Semarang really supports the FKP and ST2023 activities and hopes that all parties involved in these activities can carry out their duties honestly and in accordance with the SOP, so that the resulting data can be used for development policies in Semarang Regency.

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