Hearing of FKP Regsosek and ST2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Hearing of FKP Regsosek and ST2023

Hearing of FKP Regsosek and ST2023

March 31, 2023 | Other Activities

Friday 31 March 2023, Semarang Regency BPS held an audience with the Regional Secretary of Semarang Regency Drs.  Djarot Supriyoto, MM.  On this occasion the Head of Semarang Regency BPS, Sri Wiyadi conveyed plans to implement a Public Consultation Forum (FKP) on the results of the Initial Socio-Economic Registration Data Collection (Regsosek) which had been carried out in 2022.

 The FKP, which will be held on 2-21 May 2023, is the stage of finalizing the results of the Research and Research data collection which is carried out through cross-validation between the results of data processing and public knowledge to then be decided through deliberation for consensus.  FKP is a form of social control and community participation in compiling a database related to the accuracy of the grouping results of family welfare based on the Proxy Mean Test (PMT) model.

 FKP participants consisted of RT heads or representatives who understood the local community's condition as well as five representatives from community leaders, religious leaders, heads/administrators of village institutions.  Apart from that, the Bintara Pembina Desa (Babinsa) and Bhayangkara Supervisor for Community Security and Order (Bhabinkamtibmas) were also invited to help provide security.

 In implementing the FKP, BPS needs the support of the local government, especially in relation to coordination with all levels of government, both at the sub-district and village/kelurahan levels, the use of sub-district or village/kelurahan facilities as the venue for the FKP and the assignment of Village Heads/Lurah to become FKP facilitators in their respective areas.  respectively.

 On this occasion, Sri Wiyadi also conveyed the agenda for implementing the Agricultural Census (ST2023) which will be carried out in June-July 2023. ST2023 aims to obtain agricultural data and information such as directories of agricultural business actors, geospatial agricultural statistics, farmer demographic structure, agricultural land use  , SDG's indicators related to agriculture and various other agricultural indicators.  The data and information will be used as the basis for policy making in the agricultural sector to increase food sovereignty and the welfare of Indonesian farmers.

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