March 8, 2022 | BPS Activities
The implementation of the March 2022 National
Socio-Economic Survey (Susenas) begins with the process of updating households
in 87 selected Census Blocks in Semarang Regency, which will be held from 6 to
13 March 2022.
Before going to the field, all enumerators had
attended training and were committed to updating the Susenas household
according to the procedure and complying with the schedule that had been set.
To maintain the quality of the updated data,
supervisory officers provide assistance and supervision, especially at the
beginning of the household updating process. Supervisors also help resolve
problems found by enumerators in the field.
With good coordination between supervisors and
enumerators, this Susenas household update can be completed on time and
maintain quality.
BPS-Statistics Indonesia
Badan Pusat Statistik Kabupaten Semarang (Statistics of Semarang Regency)Jl.Garuda No. 7 Ungaran
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