Integrated Agricultural Survey Household Registration (Sitasi) 2021 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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Integrated Agricultural Survey Household Registration (Sitasi) 2021

Integrated Agricultural Survey Household Registration (Sitasi) 2021

September 29, 2021 | BPS Activities

The implementation of the 2021 Sitasi Household Listing is carried out for the initial identification of agricultural households.
Sitasi officers who have been trained carry out household registration door to door in the census block that is their area of ​​duty. The number of Census Blocks targeted by the sample is 70 census blocks.
In its implementation, the officers were accompanied by supervisors from the BPS-Statistics of Semarang Regency. Assistance is carried out at the beginning of data collection, so that supervisors can provide corrections if there are errors in data collection or provide solutions if officers encounter problems in the field.
Before carrying out data collection, all officers have taken an antigen swab with a negative COVID-19 result, and must always comply with health protocols during data collection in the field.
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