SP2020 Longform Officer Recruitment - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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SP2020 Longform Officer Recruitment

SP2020 Longform Officer Recruitment

June 18, 2021 | BPS Activities

In the context of implementing the 2020 Long Form Population Census in August-September 2021, the Semarang Regency BPS opens registration for the 2020 Long Form Population Census Officer Candidate (SP2020). The number of officers needed is 121 Field Data Collection Officers (PPL) and 37 Team Coordinators (Kortim) in the Semarang Regency area.
The stages of selection for SP2020 Long Form Officer candidates are as follows:
1. Administration Selection
2. Online Competency Test
3. Interview Test

Further information on the requirements and qualifications of prospective officers can be seen in the image beside or download here
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