The Journey of Recording Indonesia Population Census 2020 by census officers has started - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Semarang Regency

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The Journey of Recording Indonesia Population Census 2020 by census officers has started

The Journey of Recording Indonesia Population Census 2020 by census officers has started

September 11, 2020 | BPS Activities

The September 2020 Population Census activities have officially begun simultaneously in all regions of Indonesia starting September 1, 2020. In its implementation, BPS Semarang Regency is assisted by 856 Census Officers and 64 Koseka.

Located in Zone 2, Population Census September 2020 in Semarang Regency the population did not fill out a questionnaire. Census officers conduct field verification and confirm the whereabouts of all families and all residents door-to-door or visit residents' homes one by one accompanied by the chairman of the neighborhood.

The officers can be identified by the presence of identification in the form of an id card and a vest bearing the census officer on the back. In addition, officers also wear masks, face shields and hand sanitizers and apply physical distancing when meeting with respondents as an effort to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Wherever you are, always welcome the Census Officer! Give answers correctly and honestly.

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